Expected results

  • Increased shading area with improved microclimate conditions in urban green areas to mitigate heat waves;
  • Increased carbon sequestration;
  • Efficient use of water through the development of rainfed ecosystems (biodiverse meadows and native forest), efficient irrigation and the creation of zero rainwater waste areas;
  • Improving the resilience of green infrastructure to floods;
  • Increased resilience to soil erosion through the use of nature-based solutions, and thereby increased resilience to extreme precipitation events;
  • Use of a flock of sheep as non-mechanical urban agent to control vegetation in meadows;
  • Replication of the project work to be carried out during the life of the project (Malaga) and in the post-project (2 national territory; 1 in the EU);
  • Transfer of project work to be implemented in private areas that are part of Lisbon's green infrastructure;
  • Dissemination and technical capacity building in municipalities in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and other municipalities committed to climate change adaptation;
  • Change in the behaviour of urban vegetable gardeners regarding the use of more efficient and adapted irrigation.